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Time to cut to the chase, Shopify Store Owners you gotta Learn Google Ads, here’s why:

Updated: Jan 17

👉 To be able to tell who really knows Google Ads and who is bullshitting you!

👉 Call out Google Reps' recommendations and get the best out of them.

👉 Know what strategy or structure may work best for your campaigns.

👉 Spot the inefficiencies, and stop wastage of your ad spends.

👉 Avoid hiring surface-level or old-school Google Ads talent for your team.

👉 Know if your Google Ads agency is doing the best that it should.

👉 Or simply manage Google Ads in-house if you can’t afford an agency yet.

Interested? DM me, please.

Coming soon Google Ads for Shopify Owners


Hi ✋ I’m Santosh, founder of Guided PPC. A Google Ads agency dedicated to scaling e-commerce businesses beyond 6 figures with Google Ads.

Fed up with lackluster results? Feeling ignored by your current agency? Get in touch. We do things differently.

🚀 If you’re spending $3k+ a month on Google Ads, Get a Free Audit + Action plan

🔖 Want to Learn Google Ads? Join Guided PPC Google Ads Academy

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