Running successful Lead Gen campaigns on Google Ads
Updated: Jan 17, 2024
Is an uphill battle and eCom in comparison sounds like a cakewalk!
That’s what the participants of the Google Ads Course by Guided PPC
are discovering while brainstorming Tier11’s lead gen campaigns strategy.
And I’ve greatly slowed it down, on purpose, to make everyone think and think really hard.
Every idea that comes forward, goes through a deep level of scrutiny and constructive criticism.
The outcome though still work-in-progress, is here for you to see!
Hope you all are learning something new folks!
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Hi ✋ I’m Santosh, founder of Guided PPC. A Google Ads agency dedicated to scaling e-commerce businesses beyond 6 figures with Google Ads.
Fed up with lackluster results? Feeling ignored by your current agency? Get in touch. We do things differently.